Snooker Room

We are back using the inside of the Club, getting used to the ‘new normal’ and all that the current restrictions entail. We are confident that we our doing our best in a difficult situation. Our hope is everyone using the Club feels comfortable and most importantly, safe, whilst using the facilities.
The final progression to a return to full usage of the Club is the reopening of the Snooker Room which we are pleased to announce will take place on Thursday 1st October.
There will need to be changes to the way this works. Social distancing must be followed at all times and Tables 1 – 3 will only be used.
The fire door must remain open for ventilation. Hands must be washed/sanitised on entry and exit of the Snooker Room. Singles games only and no spectators.
Anti-bacterial wipes will be provided at each table to clean any surfaces touched eg table edges, rests, scoreboards, once you are ready to leave. A reminder of the usual rule that if all tables are in use, put your name on the whiteboard to indicate you are waiting and the next table to finish come off. They can then put their name on the board if required.
Snooker can only be played when the bar is open due to our Track and Trace obligations: the hours are under constant review and updates will be given as necessary, they currently are as follows:
Tue 11-2.30pm 7-11pm
Wed 11-2.30pm 6-11pm
Thu 11-2.30pm 6-11pm
Fri 11-2.30pm 6-11pm
Sat 11am-11pm
Sun 12-3pm
We appreciate the members’ patience whilst the room has been refurbished and hope you like the changes we have made.